Commercial manipulation in the time of AI: the role of fair trading law?

Artificial Intelligence is fundamentally reshaping manipulative marketing and challenging a discussion on the future role of fair trading law. How should the latter tackle manipulation when it becomes a systematic operation of behavioural modification of consumers through machine-driven experimentations? An article by Federico Galli   From “Know Your Customer!” As we all know, the traditional…

Commercial manipulation in the time of AI: the role of fair trading law?

Artificial Intelligence is fundamentally reshaping manipulative marketing and challenging a discussion on the future role of fair trading law. How should the latter tackle manipulation when it becomes a systematic operation of behavioural modification of consumers through machine-driven experimentations? An article by Federico Galli From “Know Your Customer!” As we all know, the traditional mantra…

Kollisionsrecht 4.0

Im Internationalen Privatrecht steht die wissenschaftliche Aufarbeitung der digitalen Revolution noch an den Anfängen. Bedarf es neuer, auf die digitale Revolution passgenau zugeschnittener Instrumente – ein „Kollisionsrecht 4.0“? Das Leitmotiv des Internationalen Privatrechts, nämlich die Suche nach dem „Sitz des Rechtsverhältnisses“, scheint bei manchen Erscheinungsformen der digitalen Revolution zu versagen: So sind blockchain-basierte Anwendungen dezentral…